My mom did, however, take advantage of the weather-related ennui to learn how to text images to my email (my phone doesn't get pic-texts). So she sent me photographic documentation of my father's current obsession: birdfeeding (and subsequent watching, I assume). I won't lie, I myself have been entranced by the chickadees, tufted titmice, downy, hairy and tufted woodpeckers, juncos all crowding around the feeders that Dad has repaired over and over again (duct-tape, people). And when the snow threatens to engulf the buffet, well, extreme measures must be taken.

But I think a bird cabana is maybe a little much.
Hilarious! My mom had just gotten a feeder before the storm, so we were watching birds a lot, too. We had to throw peanuts out for a big squirrel who closed the feeder every time he jumped on it. Chickadees are my favorite, but mostly we see sparrows, finches and junkos. We had a titmice couple this past summer. One pulled hair from Lucky's tail twice while the dog laid on the deck. That was amusing.
eat more kale!
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