
Palin Charges Rape Victims for their Own Justice

While Mayor, Sarah Palin Charged Rape Victims for their Own Justice - Feministing

The argument regarding the abortion issue is particularly pithy. Also, the contrast between Palin's "fierce mother hen" persona and the purely commercial act of charging victims for their own rape kits is a pretty sickening kind of hypocrisy. In light of recent, disturbing conversations regarding rape and date rape (see Helen Mirren's comments in a British GQ article), to potentially be putting someone with these ideas into any kind of executive position (especially where you have some -- albeit ceremonial -- involvement in the legislative branch) I think is dangerous. It's much too much a step backward for women in particular and society in general.

I mean, doesn't it just assume that men have no control over their sexual impulses, and that women who cross certain physical boundaries (threshold to a hotel room, for example) are no longer allowed control over their own bodies? 'Cuz that's what Mirren's comments mean to me.

Soooooo disappointing, Helen Mirren.

1 comment:

Lauren M said...

Keith Olberman and Rachel Maddow are two to watch on MSNBC. I know you don't watch TV, but right now they are on fire! Last night they showed clips of Palin talking about God's will being done in the war on Iraq and in building the Alaskan pipeline. To me, she's not much different than al queda. And she should NOT be commended for keeping her 5th baby. It's rare for someone to abort a baby after they already have children. Her brainwashed daughter should also not be commended for keeping her baby because, really, there is no other choice for her, except being sneaky or being disowned.