So my parents have been snowed in, back home, for what seems like days now. And today they're watching as even more inches gets stacked upon the preexisting 29. Apparently this snowfall will be the recordbreaker for the mid-atlantic region...and of course, I'm not there to enjoy it.
My mom did, however, take advantage of the weather-related ennui to learn how to text images to my email (my phone doesn't get pic-texts). So she sent me photographic documentation of my father's current obsession: birdfeeding (and subsequent watching, I assume). I won't lie, I myself have been entranced by the chickadees, tufted titmice, downy, hairy and tufted woodpeckers, juncos all crowding around the feeders that Dad has repaired over and over again (duct-tape, people). And when the snow threatens to engulf the buffet, well, extreme measures must be taken.
But I think a bird cabana is maybe a little much.
Hilarious! My mom had just gotten a feeder before the storm, so we were watching birds a lot, too. We had to throw peanuts out for a big squirrel who closed the feeder every time he jumped on it. Chickadees are my favorite, but mostly we see sparrows, finches and junkos. We had a titmice couple this past summer. One pulled hair from Lucky's tail twice while the dog laid on the deck. That was amusing.
eat more kale!
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